Category Archives: Amos

Tuesday, March 5, 2024


Open your heart, as you pray this Lazaroo:

“Seek good, not evil, that you may live. Then the Lord God Almighty will be with you, just as you say he is. Hate evil, love good; maintain justice in the courts. Perhaps the Lord God Almighty will have mercy on the remnant of Joseph.”
(Amos 5:14-15)

This is Your Word through the prophet Amos, Jesus

to those who have sinned greatly.

I will do my best to follow it.

Fits me to a T.

[LISTEN to today’s Lazaroo by phoning (812) 473-7729…or by clicking the PLAY button below:]

Exodus 9:27; Leviticus 5:5; Numbers 22:34; Judges 10:10; Luke 15:18; Romans 3:23; James 5:15

Wednesday, March 11, 2020


Pray this Lazaroo with a committed, fervent spirit:

“…see the great unrest within her…”
(Amos 3:9)

Could there be a more timely and fitting prayer, Jesus?

Amos penned these words in 766 B.C. – nearly 3,000 years ago!
But they’re as current as today’s breaking news.

The COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak
world governments in turmoil
rabid political divisions within countries
persecution of Your people around the globe

But Your words through your prophet remind us:

This ain’t nuthin’ new.

You handled it then

and You’ll handle our 2020 issues just fine.

[LISTEN to today’s Lazaroo by phoning (812) 473-7729…or by clicking the PLAY button below:]

Genesis 18:14; Exodus 15:26; Ecclesiastes 1:9; Jeremiah 32:27; Amos 3:6; Matthew 19:26; Acts 17:25