Pray this Lazaroo with opened eyes:
“If you do not commit adultery but do commit murder, you have become a lawbreaker.”
(James 2:11)
Pretty obvious, Jesus –
when I see it in somebody else.
But You’re pointing this out through Your half-brother James
because I have a hard time seeing it in myself.
I tend to look at other people’s sins as foolish, tragic, inexcusable
while seeing my own sins as no big deal.
How blind can I be?
I think I’ve already answered that question.
[LISTEN to today’s Lazaroo by phoning (812) 473-7729…or by clicking the PLAY button below:]
Proverbs 22:13; Matthew 7:4-5; Luke 14:15-24; John 15:22; Romans 1:20; Romans 2:1; James 2:10