Category Archives: long

Monday, July 8, 2024


Pray this Lazaroo with bulldog faith:

“…you know that our testimony is true.”
(3 John 1:12)

That was John’s reputation, Jesus.

People knew they could trust him
no matter the circumstances.

As with all reputations
it has to be earned.

With everything in me

I long for that to be my reputation too!

But I know it doesn’t happen because I’ve told the truth most of the time.

I need to be a person who tells the truth all the time
even when it hurts.

[LISTEN to today’s Lazaroo by phoning (812) 473-7729…or by clicking the PLAY button below:]

Psalm 15:4; Micah 6:12; John 8:32; John 8:45; Romans 3:4; Revelation 3:9; Revelation 21:8

Wednesday, June 26, 2024


Pray this Lazaroo with faith in the God who can:

“We have much to say about this, but it is hard to make it clear to you because you no longer try to understand. In fact, though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you the elementary truths of God’s word all over again. You need milk, not solid food!”
(Hebrews 5:11-12)

I don’t know why those people didn’t try to understand, Jesus.

But they’re not me.
I long to understand!

I’m begging You: Help me understand!

[LISTEN to today’s Lazaroo by phoning (812) 473-7729…or by clicking the PLAY button below:]

Exodus 31:3; Deuteronomy 9:6; 1 Kings 4:29; Nehemiah 8:2; Proverbs 1:1-6; Matthew 13:19; Romans 7:15

Friday, June 14, 2024


Pray this Lazaroo in loving gratitude:

“But Timothy has just now come to us from you and has brought good news about your faith and love. He has told us that you always have pleasant memories of us and that you long to see us, just as we also long to see you.”
(1 Thessalonians 3:6)

These kinds of relationships are rare, Jesus.

If I have anything like this, help me cherish it
and never take it for granted.

If I don’t have anything like it

please bring this blessing into my life!

[LISTEN to today’s Lazaroo by phoning (812) 473-7729…or by clicking the PLAY button below:]

1 Samuel 18:1; Proverbs 18:24; 2 Corinthians 2:4; Ephesians 1:15; 1 Thessalonians 4:9; Philemon 1:5; 1 Peter 1:22

Monday, April 15, 2024


Pray this Lazaroo with anticipation:

“ In a large house there are articles not only of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay; some are for special purposes and some for common use. Those who cleanse themselves from the latter will be instruments for special purposes, made holy, useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work.”
(2 Timothy 2:20-21)

I long to be useful to You, Jesus!

Please prepare me for every good work
You have in mind for me to perform

to Your everlasting glory!

[LISTEN to today’s Lazaroo by phoning (812) 473-7729…or by clicking the PLAY button below:]

Nehemiah 2:18; Isaiah 13:3; 2 Corinthians 9:8; Philippians 1:6; Colossians 1:10; 2 Timothy 3:17; 1 Peter 3:1

Wednesday, April 3, 2024


Pray this Lazaroo with explosive feeling:

“I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.”
(Ephesians 3:17-19)

The depth of Your love for me, Jesus

is beyond my understanding!

Fill me all the way full with Yourself!

so in everything I think, say and do
I can love You back.

[LISTEN to today’s Lazaroo by phoning (812) 473-7729…or by clicking the PLAY button below:]

Deuteronomy 33:16; John 1:16; Ephesians 1:23; Ephesians 4:13; Colossians 1:19; Colossians 1:25; Colossians 2:9-10

Wednesday, March 20, 2024


Pray this Lazaroo in steadfast faith:

“Now there was a man in Jerusalem called Simeon, who was righteous and devout. He was waiting for the consolation of Israel, and the Holy Spirit was on him. It had been revealed to him by the Holy Spirit that he would not die before he had seen the Lord’s Messiah.”
(Luke 2:25-26)

You reveal insider information, Jesus

to those who are sold out to You.

That’s who I long to be

but nobody can do that for me.

[LISTEN to today’s Lazaroo by phoning (812) 473-7729…or by clicking the PLAY button below:]

1 Kings 18:3; Isaiah 57:1; Acts 10:2; Acts 10:7; Acts 13:22; Acts 13:43; Acts 22:12

Wednesday, March 13, 2024


Pray this Lazaroo in holy fear:

“’I see a flying scroll, twenty cubits long and ten cubits wide.’ And he said to me, ‘This is the curse that is going out over the whole land; for according to what it says on one side, every thief will be banished, and according to what it says on the other, everyone who swears falsely will be banished.’”
(Zechariah 5:2-3)

What a dramatic way to reveal this timeless truth, Jesus:

You hate thievery and lying.

Therefore, those who engage in those behaviors

will be banished from Your Presence.

[LISTEN to today’s Lazaroo by phoning (812) 473-7729…or by clicking the PLAY button below:]

Exodus 20:15-16; Psalm 5:10; Psalm 63:11; Jeremiah 8:3; Zechariah 5:1-2; John 10:10; Revelation 21:8

Monday, March 4, 2024


Pray this Lazaroo with desperate faith:

“…never again will my people be shamed. And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions.”
(Joel 2:27-28)

I long for the day when we will no longer be shamed, Jesus!

Pour out Your Spirit on all Your people!
Grant us holy dreams and visions!

Yes, we read Your Word and do our best to apply it to our lives.

But we’re so weary of wondering
if we got it right.

[LISTEN to today’s Lazaroo by phoning (812) 473-7729…or by clicking the PLAY button below:]

1 Samuel 3:1; Psalm 4:1; Psalm 17:1; Psalm 39:12; Psalm 143:1; Habakkuk 3:2; Hebrews 4:16

Sunday, March 3, 2024


Pray this Lazaroo with burning emotion:

“Let us acknowledge the Lord; let us press on to acknowledge him. As surely as the sun rises, he will appear; he will come to us like the winter rains, like the spring rains that water the earth.”
(Hosea 6:3)

I cannot tell You how desperately I need Your sun to appear, Jesus!

I long to have You come to me like the winter rains!
I’ve got to have Your spring rains water my parched earth!

Rescue me.

Rescue me.

[LISTEN to today’s Lazaroo by phoning (812) 473-7729…or by clicking the PLAY button below:]

1 Samuel 17:37; Job 6:23; Psalm 17:13; Psalm 22:21; Psalm 25:20; Psalm 35:17; 2 Timothy 4:18

Monday, January 29, 2024


Pray this Lazaroo with locked-in faith:

“…I will give you…both wealth and honor—so that in your lifetime you will have no equal among kings. And if you walk in obedience to me and keep my decrees and commands as David your father did, I will give you a long life.”
(1 Kings 3:13-14)

In spite of Your amazing promises to him

Solomon strayed, Jesus.

How is that even possible?

I guess the same way I stray
in spite of all Your amazing promises to me.

Please rise up within me
to break this terrible cycle!

[LISTEN to today’s Lazaroo by phoning (812) 473-7729…or by clicking the PLAY button below:]

Exodus 33:19; 2 Chronicles 6:41; Nehemiah 9:25; Psalm 23:6; Psalm 116:12; 2 Thessalonians 1:11; Hebrews 6:4-12