Category Archives: precious to God

Monday, October 11, 2021


Pray this Lazaroo in reverent trust:

“As you come to him, the living Stone—rejected by humans but chosen by God and precious to him—you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house…”
(1 Peter 2:4)

Others may have rejected You, Jesus…

but not I!

You’re my All…my Everything – the Ever-Living Stone!

You’re precious not only to Your heavenly Father
but precious beyond all measure to me.

Make me into the perfect living stone for my place

in Your spiritual house.

[LISTEN to today’s Lazaroo by phoning (812) 473-7729…or by clicking the PLAY button below:]

Romans 1:11; Romans 12:11; 1 Corinthians 1:7; Ephesians 1:3; Ephesians 2:19; 1 Timothy 3:15; Titus 1:7