Category Archives: Reveal

Wednesday, March 20, 2024


Pray this Lazaroo in steadfast faith:

“Now there was a man in Jerusalem called Simeon, who was righteous and devout. He was waiting for the consolation of Israel, and the Holy Spirit was on him. It had been revealed to him by the Holy Spirit that he would not die before he had seen the Lord’s Messiah.”
(Luke 2:25-26)

You reveal insider information, Jesus

to those who are sold out to You.

That’s who I long to be

but nobody can do that for me.

[LISTEN to today’s Lazaroo by phoning (812) 473-7729…or by clicking the PLAY button below:]

1 Kings 18:3; Isaiah 57:1; Acts 10:2; Acts 10:7; Acts 13:22; Acts 13:43; Acts 22:12

Wednesday, March 13, 2024


Pray this Lazaroo in holy fear:

“’I see a flying scroll, twenty cubits long and ten cubits wide.’ And he said to me, ‘This is the curse that is going out over the whole land; for according to what it says on one side, every thief will be banished, and according to what it says on the other, everyone who swears falsely will be banished.’”
(Zechariah 5:2-3)

What a dramatic way to reveal this timeless truth, Jesus:

You hate thievery and lying.

Therefore, those who engage in those behaviors

will be banished from Your Presence.

[LISTEN to today’s Lazaroo by phoning (812) 473-7729…or by clicking the PLAY button below:]

Exodus 20:15-16; Psalm 5:10; Psalm 63:11; Jeremiah 8:3; Zechariah 5:1-2; John 10:10; Revelation 21:8

Saturday, September 17, 2022


Remember! as you pray this Lazaroo:

“King Nebuchadnezzar fell prostrate before Daniel and paid him honor and ordered that an offering and incense be presented to him. The king said to Daniel, ‘Surely your God is the God of gods and the Lord of kings and a revealer of mysteries, for you were able to reveal this mystery.’”
(Daniel 2:46-47)

Everything this king said about you is true, Jesus.

But in time, he forgot
and paid a horrific price.

May I never, ever, ever forget!

[LISTEN to today’s Lazaroo by phoning (812) 473-7729…or by clicking the PLAY button below:]

Judges 3:7; 1 Samuel 12:9; Psalm 78:11; Daniel 3:4-6; Daniel 3:24-29; Daniel 4:19-37; 2 Peter 1:12-21

Friday, February 18, 2022


Pray this Lazaroo in stark realization:

“But someone will say, ‘You have faith; I have deeds.’ Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by my deeds. You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that—and shudder.”
(James 2:18-19)

My faith and my actions.

They’re not separate, are they, Jesus?

If I have faith
my life will show it.

If I don’t have faith
my life will show it.

My actions reveal whether or not I truly believe

in You.

[LISTEN to today’s Lazaroo by phoning (812) 473-7729…or by clicking the PLAY button below:]

Isaiah 7:9; Matthew 8:5-10; Mark 2:5; Acts 3:16; Romans 1:17; 2 Corinthians 13:5; James 2:17

Wednesday, May 6, 2020


Pray this Lazaroo in Holy Fear:

“…you said, ‘I will not serve you!’”
(Jeremiah 2:20)

What a foolhardy, terrifying declaration, Jesus.
Most of us aren’t that blatant with our defiance.

We give you lip service that makes us sound righteous
until our disobedient actions reveal our words to be lies.

That’s not my intent, LORD!

I know I’ve overpromised and underperformed.
But every time I promise You something I mean it.

Please help me overcome my weakness!
I so long to obey You.
Every time.

[LISTEN to today’s Lazaroo by phoning (812) 473-7729…or by clicking the PLAY button below:]