Category Archives: Rock

Friday, September 22, 2023


Pray this Lazaroo with fierce determination:

“…though I am absent from you in body, I am present with you in spirit and delight to see how disciplined you are and how firm your faith in Christ is.”
(Colossians 2:5)

Discipline is good, Jesus…

but it needs the foundation of faith.

Not weak faith.
Not inconsistent faith.
Not wild faith.
Not faith in self.
Not faith in others.
Not faith in science, education, government, or AI.

But rock-solid, firm to the core

faith in You
and in You alone.

On Christ the solid rock I stand.

All other ground is sinking sand.

[LISTEN to today’s Lazaroo by phoning (812) 473-7729…or by clicking the PLAY button below:]


Deuteronomy 32:4; Deuteronomy 32:18; Deuteronomy 32:30-31; 1 Samuel 2:2; Psalm 18:2; Matthew 7:24-25; 1 Corinthians 10:4

Saturday, July 2, 2022


Pray this Lazaroo with lavish love:

“Now to you who believe, this stone is precious. But to those who do not believe, ‘The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone,’ and, ‘A stone that causes people to stumble and a rock that makes them fall.’”
(1 Peter 2:7)

You’re that Stone, Jesus!

It’s unthinkable to me that anyone rejected You then

or can reject You now.

But You know those who are Yours.

I don’t know why You’ve chosen me
but I am grateful beyond all words!

[LISTEN to today’s Lazaroo by phoning (812) 473-7729…or by clicking the PLAY button below:]

Romans 8:28-30; Romans 9:16-26; Ephesians 1:11; Ephesians 2:8-9; 1 Timothy 6:12; 2 Timothy 2:19; 1 Peter 2:4-5

Wednesday, April 27, 2022


Pray this Lazaroo with faith in the God who can:

“For in Scripture it says: ‘See, I lay a stone in Zion, a chosen and precious cornerstone, and the one who trusts in him will never be put to shame.’”
(1 Peter 2:6)

You’ve made that promise directly to me, Jesus.


I will never be put to shame
because I trust in You!

You’re my Only Hope
because You’re all I need.

On You, my Solid Rock I stand.
All other ground is sinking sand.

[LISTEN to today’s Lazaroo by phoning (812) 473-7729…or by clicking the PLAY button below:]

Genesis 49:24; Deuteronomy 32:4; 1 Samuel 2:2; 2 Samuel 22:32; Psalm 18:2; Isaiah 26:4; 1 Corinthians 10:4

Thursday, March 5, 2020


Sell out totally to God as you pray this Lazaroo:

“I heard behind me a loud rumbling sound…”
(Ezekiel 3:12)

That would get my attention, Jesus!

For good reason.

It wasn’t a wagon, a rock or a herd of animals.
It was the sound of the wings of supernatural beings!

Shivers. Terror. Awe. Goose bumps.

I’ve never heard that sound Ezekiel heard

but You led him to share it with me so I could imagine it.

But not only imagine it.
Anticipate it!

…when I join him in heaven.

[LISTEN to today’s Lazaroo by phoning (812) 473-7729…or by clicking the PLAY button below:]

Psalms 29:1; Psalms 89:6; Isaiah 6:2; Ezekiel 1:24; Ezekiel 10:5-21; 2 Peter 2:10-11; Jude 2:8

Wednesday, January 3, 2018


Pray this Lazaroo with desperate desire:

“I will make your forehead like the hardest stone, harder than flint.”
(Ezekiel 3:9)

Good for ramming Your unseen enemies, Jesus.

This is no game.
Not some tea party.

This no-holds-barred war against the enemy of my soul

is a brutal battle to the death.

It’s bloody. Fierce. Unbelievably hard.

It takes everything I’ve got
till I face the fact
that what I’ve got
isn’t enough.

I need You, LORD!

I’ve got to
got to
got to have You!

[LISTEN to today’s Lazaroo by phoning 212-LAZAROO…or by clicking the PLAY button below:]

Exodus 33:15; Judges 4:8; 2 Kings 19:19; Nehemiah 9:6; Psalms 4:8; Psalms 16:5; John 6:68; Ephesians 6:10-20