Category Archives: where are you going

Monday, November 8, 2021


Pray this Lazaroo with unshakable belief:

“Once again Jesus went out beside the lake. A large crowd came to him, and he began to teach them. As he walked along, he saw Levi son of Alphaeus sitting at the tax collector’s booth. ‘Follow me,’ Jesus told him, and Levi got up and followed him.”
(Mark 2:13-14)

He didn’t ask, “Where are You going?” Jesus.

He didn’t have to.
It wasn’t about the destination.

His only focus was You.

Wherever You’re going

is fine with me.

[LISTEN to today’s Lazaroo by phoning (812) 473-7729…or by clicking the PLAY button below:]

Genesis 12:1-7; Matthew 4:19; Matthew 8:22; Luke 9:23; John 12:32; Colossians 1:15-16; 1 Timothy 1:16-17; Hebrews 11:27